Jean Pied de Port

Jean Pied  de Port
Le jeu de Camino de cathédrales

lunes, 2 de enero de 2017

The Camino Game 3

Photos and edited by: J. unçu


Space number 58:

Clues, hints: End, change, beginning.

Space number 3:

Clues, hints: S. Martin de Tours, yellow, oars.

Space number 50:

Clues, hints: The New, Neo-Gothic, sculptures.

Space number 51:

Clues, hints: Stone, sign, slab.

Space number 59:

Clues, hints:The Good Shepherd, stained glass, Neo-Gothic.

Space number 6:

Clues, hints: 110 mts,, Arga, Muniadona.

All around me are familiar places. What about you?

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